Speculative Fiction Writing Made Simple: How to Write, Edit, and Publish Your Debut Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Dystopian Novel

9 Tricks to Overcome Writer's Block and Keep Your Writing on Track | Episode 24

August 01, 2024 Heather Davis, Writing Coach, Book Coach, and Developmental Editor

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Writer's block is one of the most challenging hurdles an author can encounter. It has the power to derail brilliant stories and thwart dreams of becoming a published author. But fear not—there are effective strategies to combat this creativity killer and keep your writing journey on course.

In this episode, we'll delve into practical, actionable steps to limit and conquer writer’s block. Whether you're struggling to get started, stuck in the middle of a project, or facing a blank page, I've got you covered.

 In this episode you’ll learn:

  • The 9 powerful tricks that can help you overcome writer’s block and maintain your creative flow
  • The most foundational layer of your novel that might be missing, and how addressing it can reignite your inspiration
  • The common issues that cause writer’s block and how to tackle them head-on
  • And so much more…

Finding the Point of your novel: 

Click HERE for Episode 1

Click HERE for the FREE Episode 1 workbook 

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